Florida Roundup Cancer Lawyer

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Florida Roundup Cancer Attorney

Have you been diagnosed with Lymphoma, Leukemia, or Multiple Myeloma? If so, and you were also a user of Roundup weed killer, the cause of your cancer may be directly linked to exposure to something called glyphosate – a cancer-causing chemical found in Roundup. Roundup is a weed killer used by landscapers, gardeners, and farmers, and it has recently been found to cause cancer. Our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer partners with other roundup cancer law firms around the country to help innocent people who have been diagnosed with cancer directly connected to Roundup exposure in Hillsborough County, Brandon, Riverview, St. Petersburg, and all of Florida. Read on and contact our firm to learn more.

Providing Valuable Information on Roundup Cancer

Glyphosate-based herbicides, referred to as Roundup, are the most heavily applied herbicides in the world and are contaminating water sources, precipitation, and even the air, especially in agricultural regions. Human exposure to Roundup is consistently increasing, and the estimated amount of safe exposure is based on outdated research. In March 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reported that glyphosate is a likely human carcinogen based on studies performed on humans and animals. More recently, litigation against Monsanto, the makers of Roundup, as well as Bayer, which recently purchased Monsanto, have revealed more disturbing facts and prompted more scientific studies about the connection between using Roundup and an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

The bottom line is that those innocent individuals who used Roundup when landscaping, gardening, farming, or otherwise and who have received a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, Lymphoma, or Leukemia Cancer, may have a claim against the makers of Roundup. Since the connection between Roundup and cancer is relatively recent, many Florida residents were exposed to life-threatening toxins found in Monsanto Roundup through both home and commercial agriculture without knowledge of the risks. Our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer is ready to help you receive the justice you deserve if you are suffering from Roundup-related cancer.

Past Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

One of the first Monsanto lawsuits to go to trial was in San Francisco, California where a jury concluded that the plaintiff had developed a form of cancer known as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (also referred to as NHL) and lesions now covering as much as 80% of his body as a result of exposure to Roundup. The plaintiff worked as a groundskeeper and used Roundup as a part of his job. The conclusion of the case resulted in a $289 million jury verdict in damages caused by Monsanto. Of the $289 million, $250 million was for punitive damages against Monsanto. “Punitive” damages refer to damages designed to punish the makers of Roundup for wrongdoing. This was merely the first lawsuit of many filed against Roundup. The basis of each Florida Roundup cancer lawsuit is that Monsanto knew of the risks involved with their product but chose to cover them up, as opposed to protecting its customers. Even when it was determined that there was a connection between cancer and the use of Roundup, Monsanto did not take the proper precautions to warn consumers of the danger of its product. Our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer’s mission is to ensure proper compensation is received by those Florida residents who have been exposed to cancer from Roundup.

Currently, a series of Florida Roundup cancer lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto. In Florida, those at the highest risk for Roundup cancer are farmers, landscapers, nursery workers, and agricultural workers. Those exposed to Roundup in Florida most likely came in contact with it through air inhalation during spraying, interacting with groundwater used for drinking, or cooking and eating food that was harvested in an area close to where Roundup was found in the soil. Our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer, located in the Tampa area, is adamant about bringing justice to all those who’ve been impacted by willful negligence on the part of Monsanto. Roundup herbicide has caused Large Cell B Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Hairy Cell Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, and other cancers and birth defects. Our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer is committed to protecting our residents.

Florida Cancer Treatment Centers

With each Florida Roundup cancer case, there is usually a need for immediate, quality care. Cancer can wreak havoc on the body and requires an individualized approach to the patient’s health and recovery. Therefore, it is vital that victims of cancer from Roundup receive treatment at the best treatment cancer centers within Florida. Recently, the Hillsborough County Business Journal published a list of the top cancer centers in Florida. The list included the Moffitt Cancer Center, located at 12902 USF Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612, and AdventHealth’s Don Lau Family Center for Cancer Care, located at 3100 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa, FL 33613, among others.

Contact Our Florida Roundup Cancer Lawyer

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with cancer or suffered a birth defect as a direct result of exposure to Roundup? If you answered yes, then contact our Florida Roundup cancer lawyers in Riverview, FL for a free consultation. The meeting can take place at a location most convenient for you, whether that be in your home or in a hospital. Call us now to schedule a free consultation and case evaluation. Remember, we do not get paid unless we secure a settlement or win the case on your behalf. The horrific aftermath of cancer, both physical and emotional, keeps our Florida Roundup cancer lawyer dedicated to attaining justice for all those involved in this tragedy. Contact our firm today.


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